First visit

Prepare yourself for your first visit

At Uśmiechnij Mi Się, the patient’s comfort is our priority, so we try to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere during visits. Our dentists are experienced and empathetic specialists who know perfectly well that the first visit to the dentist sometimes raises concerns, which is why the meetings are held in a calm, friendly atmosphere. In the toilets in our facilities, patients will find disposable toothbrushes and toothpastes, which can be used before entering the office.

On the first visit

During the first visit to the dentist, first of all, diagnosis is carried out. The specialist will perform an examination of the oral cavity and determine whether and what treatments will be needed. If you have any documentation from previous dental treatment, please take it with you. Before the first visit, you should also complete the health questionnaire so that the doctor can properly plan and conduct your treatment. Therefore, we kindly ask you to arrive a few minutes earlier to complete these formalities.

Do you have any additional questions?

Write to us or call us.